
Thursday 31 December 2015

What is sandbox


Sandboxes create copies of your organization in separate environments. Use them for development, testing, and training, without compromising the data and applications in your Salesforce production organization.
Available in: both Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience
Available in: Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Editions
Available for purchase in Professional Edition.

Types of Sandbox:

Developer Sandbox
Developer sandboxes are intended for coding and testing in an isolated environment. These environments include a copy of your production organization’s configuration (metadata).
Developer Pro Sandbox
Developer Pro sandboxes are intended for coding and testing in an isolated environment. These environments include a copy of your production organization’s configuration (metadata). They have a larger storage limit than Developer sandboxes. The larger limit allows for more robust test data sets and enables this environment to handle more development and quality assurance tasks.
Partial Copy Sandbox
Partial Copy sandboxes are intended to be used as testing environments. These environments can be used for quality assurance tasks such as user acceptance testing, integration testing, and training. These environments include a copy of your production organization’s configuration (metadata), and a subset of your production data as defined by a sandbox template.
Full Sandbox
Full sandboxes are intended to be used as testing environments. Only Full sandboxes support performance testing, load testing, and staging. These environments are a replica of your production organization, including all data—for example, object records and attachments—and metadata. The length of the refresh interval makes it difficult to use Full sandboxes for development.
 The multiple variations of these two environments are outlined in the table below:
Development Environment User Licenses Data Storage API Enabled* Notes
Developer Edition 2 full CRM licenses
3 Platform licenses
and more...
5 MB Yes Sign-up is Free!
Partner Developer Edition¹ 20 full CRM licenses
20 Platform licenses
and more...
250 MB
(about 125,000 records)
Yes This is a DE org with more storage, features and licenses. Free for enrolled partners.
Full Sandbox² Same as production environment Yes This is a copy of your production org including data and customization. You may order up to a maximum of 3 full sandboxes. Performance Edition and Unlimited Edition includes 1 full sandbox. Enterprise Edition customers may purchase a full-copy sandbox for an additional fee.
Partial Copy Sandbox Same as production environment 5 GB data
(about 2.5 million records)
5 GB file storage
Yes This copies the customization, and a sample of your production organization's data. You may order up to a maximum of 6 partial copy sandboxes. Performance Edition includes 1 partial copy sandboxes. Unlimited Edition and Enterprise Edition customers may purchase a partial copy sandbox for an additional fee.
Developer Sandbox Same as production environment 200 MB data
(about 100,000 records)
200 MB file storage
Yes This copies customization (metadata), it doesn't copy production data. Performance Edition includes 30 Developer sandboxes. Unlimited Edition includes 15 Developer sandboxes. Enterprise Edition includes 1 Developer sandbox. Sandbox templates are not included.
Developer Pro Sandbox Same as production environment 1 GB data
(about 500,000 records)
1 GB file storage
Yes This copies customization (metadata), it doesn't copy production data, but has more storage than Developer sandbox. Unlimited Edition includes 5 Developer Pro sandboxes.Performance Edition and Unlimited Edition include 5 Developer Pro sandboxes. Developer Pro sandboxes in Enterprise Edition are licensed. Contact Salesforce to order sandboxes for your organization.

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