
Thursday 31 December 2015

What is Solutions

Creating Solutions

Available in: Salesforce Classic
Available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions

You can create a new solution in the following ways:
  • Create a new solution from the sidebar or Solutions tab:
    1. Select Solution from the Create New drop-down list in the sidebar, or click New next to Recent Solutions on the solutions home page.
      If multilingual solutions is enabled for your organization, you can create a translated solution by clicking New on the Translated Solutions related list of the master solution you want to translate. Translated solutions inherit the record type of the master solution from which they are translated. You cannot change the record type of translated solutions.
    2. If multilingual solutions is enabled for your organization, select the language for the solution from the Language picklist.
      The languages available are the languages supported by Salesforce. The Language picklist excludes languages already used in the master solution or in other translated solutions associated with the master solution.
    3. Enter the solution title, details, and any other information.
      Note :
               In solution searches, if any search terms match words in a solution title, the solution is boosted in the search results. Thus, it's a good idea to write a solution title with relevant words that users are likely to use in searches.
      If HTML Solutions is enabled for your organization, you can enter solution details in an HTML editor. The HTML editor allows you to use a toolbar to insert images and format the text and paragraphs in your solution.
    4. If Spell Checker is enabled for your organization, click Check Spelling to spell-check the solution. Spell Checker only checks the details of a solution, not the title.
      For organizations with multilingual solutions, spelling is checked in the language you selected from the Language picklist. Spell Checker does not support all the languages that Salesforce supports. For example, Spell Checker doesn’t support Thai, Russian, and double-byte languages, such as Japanese, Korean, or Chinese.
    5. Click Save.
            Images in HTML solution details will not show up in list views and reports.
  • Create a new solution while closing a case:
    1. Choose Close Case on a case detail page, or click Save & Close while editing a case.
    2. Enter the title and details under Solution Information, and check Submit to knowledge base to submit the solution for review by your solution managers.
    3. Click Save.

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