
Thursday 1 September 2016


Step 3: Mapping
Same procedure as mentioned in the Insert operation.

Map fields(CSV columns) to the fields in the Salesforce object
Click on "Create or Edit a Map" button for mapping of fields.

Click on Create or Edit a Map button

Click on "Auto - Match Fields to Columns" button for auto matching of salesforce fields with file column headers
The Mapping can also done by dragging the salesforce fields to the File column Header section
  The Mapping can also done by dragging the salesforce fields to the File column Header section. The
above right screen gives the information about the dragging the salesforce fields to the file column
After completing mapping of fields, click on "OK" button
Click on "Next" button in the following screen shot

Note: While mapping, make sure that the field ID is mapped with the file column header in the CSV file.

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