
Tuesday 23 August 2016

select the directory

Step 4: Click on "Browse" button to select the directory where your success and error files will be saved.
Click on "Finish" button

Click on "Yes" button in the dialog box to confirm deleting records from


Step 3: Mapping
In this step, map fields(CSV columns) to the salesforce object. Click on "Create or Edit a Map" button for
doing the mapping and then click on the "Auto Match Fields to Columns" button(Make sure that the Id
field is mapped) and then click on OK button

The following screen shot shows once we click on "Auto Match Fields to Columns" button, the Id field in
Salesforce object is automatically mapped to Id field in the file column header.

Click on "OK" button and Click on "Next" button in the Mapping window

Select the Data Object and CSV file.

Step 2: Select the Data Object and CSV file.

Choose an object. For example, select the Account object. If object name does not display in the default
list, check "Show all Salesforce objects" to see a complete list of objects that we can access.

Click "Browse" button, to select the source CSV file from the computer which contains records which we
want to delete from salesforce.(Make sure that your CSV contains Id column)

Click on "Next" Button

Salesforce Settings

Step 1: Salesforce Settings
This step consists of Entering username, password and clicking on "Log in" button to login into data
loader and clicking on "Next" button similar to above screenshots mentioned in the Procedure for
"Export" operation using Data Loader Section.

Steps for "Delete" operation using Data Loader: in Salesforce

Delete --->This operation is used for deleting the existing records from

Note: For deleting the existing records, we need Salesforce record ID(15 digits or 18 digits)

1. Double click on Data Loader icon at your desktop and Click on "Delete" operation for deleting the bulk
records from

selecting the directory

Step 4 : selecting the directory

Click on "Browse" button for selecting the directory where success and error files will be saved. Click on
"Finish" button.

Click on "Yes" button to confirm the insert.

The following window shows the successful inserts and errors after loading completed.